Enabling you to meet your gas safety challenges
For social landlords, strict compliance with gas safety legislation across their stock is compulsory.
With tightening maintenance budgets, however, we appreciate that our clients are under continued pressure to provide a quality service with limited resources, whilst reassuring their Board/senior management teams that their policies and procedures for securing access to properties to check gas appliances are compliant with current legislation.
On 6 April 2018, new regulations came into force that amended the existing gas safety Regulations. These changes have affected both public and private sector landlords by:
- enabling gas safety checks up to two months before the due date whilst retaining the existing expiry date and
- allowing landlords to take steps to align the safety check expiry date in multi-occupancy properties.
Given the serious consequences for failure to undertake inspections by their due date, we have developed a Gas Safety Toolkit to support landlords in overcoming the difficulties in gaining access, to ensure appliances can be safety checked before a breach of the Regulations occurs.
The service enables you to implement an effective, efficient and co-ordinated programme to secure county court injunctions, gaining access to your properties in good time to ensure you meet the required statutory timeframes.
What are the benefits of using the Toolkit?
Our service will provide your business with the following seven benefits:
1. Confidence: for your business and Board that access to check gas appliances is being dealt with professionally, efficiently and in-line with all legal requirements
2. Commitment to your tenants and stakeholders: demonstrated through the use of robust procedures devised by experienced solicitors for obtaining access to properties
3. Certainty: that your processes for obtaining access to properties to undertake annual checks are lawful and effective and that injunctions are being sought promptly and efficiently
4. Consistency of approach across your stock: with your stock-wide approach being coordinated and delivered in the same way across all your offices and region
5. Cost savings: through the use of our efficient online collaboration web portal
6. Convenience for your staff officers: through the ability to instruct our specialist team of lawyers direct over our web portal (that is accessible 24/7 from any device with an internet connection)
7. Current awareness for your business: through being regularly updated with changes in law, policy and best practice in gas safety.To learn more on how this will add value to your organisation, please contact our Housing Management team.
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