Protecting intellectual property is high priority for most organisations, whichever sector they work in.
We are adept at advising clients on the creation, protection, licensing and exploitation of intellectual property whether those rights relate to company names and logos, brands, designs, plans, processes, inventions, domain names or confidential information.
Where your rights are infringed, or where you are accused of infringing another party's rights, we will step in to help. Responsive and experienced, our team will deal with infringements swiftly, cost-effectively and discreetly, so you can get on with achieving your commercial ambitions.
…Bevan Brittan have provided top-notch legal counsel and high-quality service to [us] in variety of intellectual property matters…[…] able to provide spot on legal advice, or find the relevant expert, in a quick and efficient manner
The intellectual property team at Bevan Brittan can deal with the full range of intellectual property issues including: copyright, trade marks, designs, patents, databases, domain names, confidential information, business/trade secrets, passing off, and comparative advertising.
The latest Intellectual Property news and articles can be found at Bevan Brittan's Insight Information Hub
We work with a wide range of clients in all our markets including large multinational companies with multi-million pound brands, start-ups looking to protect their emerging creative output, higher education bodies looking to generate an income from their research and development, and NHS Trusts looking to share their world-renowned processes to help improve healthcare outcomes.
Mobile telecommunications company
We advised an international mobile telecommunications company on a European risk management strategy concerning trade mark and branding issues arising out of the £multimillion global launch of its new range of smart phones. We also drafted and negotiated a global trade mark coexistence agreement between the client and a major international corporation in order to avoid the risk of future conflict and to allow the product launch to proceed.
Hardware manufacturer
We agreed a favourable settlement for a hardware manufacturer and supplier client with its main competitor in relation to the unregistered design right in a key spare parts product. The settlement enabled the client to continue manufacturing and marketing its own version of the product which allowed it to retain a vital market share.
Advised the insurance division of a Lloyds Bank in connection with a £multi-million claim brought against it for copyright infringement and breach of confidence in relation to the software used in its claims handling process. We acted for Lloyds in the High Court and Court of Appeal proceedings. Lloyds & Halifax –v- Shanley [2014] EWCA Civ 407.
Financial Services
We obtained an emergency injunction and search order on behalf of an international financial services company against an individual who had transmitted and saved confidential and personal client data to his home PC immediately prior to leaving the employ of the company
Clinical diagnostics
We advised the UK arm of an international clinical diagnostics services provider in a patent infringement claim brought against it by an international genetic testing corporation. The claim related to methods for DNA testing.
Children's charity
We advised a national children’s charity in relation to various trade mark issues and oppositions raised by other charities arising out of a £multimillion re-branding exercise.
Housing Association
We advised a housing association in connection with its rebranding exercise. Our advice enabled the client to minimise the risk of infringing existing third party brands as well as maximising the protection and value of its new brand.
Moorfields Eye Hospital
We advised the Trust on the protection and exploitation internationally of its intellectual property rights in its branded eye testing software.
South West Peninsula AHSN
We advised South West Peninsula AHSN on various intellectual property matters including ownership protection and registration issues, innovation and collaboration agreements, licensing and royalty arrangements and IP assignments.
Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust
We advised the Trust on the licensing of intellectual property rights, income sharing payment mechanisms, brand protection and the permits and licensing regime for the provision of healthcare services. We also worked closely with the relevant government departments.
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Bevan Brittan advises East Sussex Joint Waste Partnership on contract extension
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