Bevan Brittan provides high quality, comprehensive advice to the NHS and independent healthcare sector. This update contains brief details of recent Government publications, legislation, cases and other developments relevant to those involved in health and social care work, both in the NHS and independent sector which have been published in the last month.
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If someone forwarded you this email you can sign up for your own free copy here delivered directly to your inbox.
Bevan Brittan Free Training Events
Bevan Brittan Events
National Care Association Care Study Day: When The Inspector Calls - 17 September 2019 West Midlands
Junior Housing Networking - 25 September 2019 London
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars - 30 September 2019 Bristol
Workforce Forum - 8 October 2019 London
Procurement Updates Roadshow - 4 - 7 November 2019 All offices
Clinical Risk Webinars
Bevan Brittan Clinical Risk/Medical Law Training - These are internal hour long lunch time training sessions that are attended by our team of solicitors. If your organisation is a Bevan Brittan client you can sign up to watch the training sessions remotely via our webinar facility. The next sessions coming up are:-
CTG interpretation in birth injury cases - 1 October 2019
A clinical and medico-legal review of stroke - 15 October 2019
If you would like to receive more information about the webinars just ask Claire Bentley.
Knowledge Transfer
Training. In addition to our free training programme for 2019, we also provide bespoke knowledge transfer sessions on a range of healthcare law topics. If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around training or webinars please contact Claire Bentley.
Early Intervention Scheme and Triage. Our EIS allows us to help commissioners, providers and care co-ordinators identify packages of care and treatment interventions, for people who lack capacity, that need an appropriate legal framework. If you would like more information click here.
Acute and emergency care
Publications and guidance
National Framework for Healthcare Professional Ambulance Responses. This framework should be used for patients who require an ambulance response in a community setting following assessment by a healthcare professional.
The life-changing impact of elective care In a blog on the NHS England website Dr Linda Charles-Ozuzu, director of the national elective care transformation programme, highlights how better planned elective care reduces the strain on emergency services as well as providing obvious benefits to patients.
Majority of Brits think A&E services are overused but half think it is hard to get a GP appointment. The first ever large-scale research into attitudes towards emergency care from the most recent British Social Attitudes Survey - carried out by The National Centre for Social Research and funded by the National Institute for Health Research - reveals significant differences in perspectives by a range of socio-demographic factors, such as area deprivation, age, young children in the household and gender.
NHS violence reduction lead calls for crackdown on knife sales A leading trauma surgeon is calling for more to be done to restrict the sale of harmful ‘zombie knives’ to help prevent violent crime.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around acute and emergency care please contact Claire Bentley
Publications and guidance
Actions for adult social care providers to prepare for Brexit What adult social care providers and local authorities need to do to prepare for a no-deal Brexit.
Healthcare after Brexit: citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland living in the UK. Information on healthcare for citizens of EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland living in the UK after the UK leaves the EU.
Brexit operational readiness guidance for the health and care system in England Actions that providers and commissioners of health and social care services should take to prepare for, and manage, the risks of a no-deal Brexit.
Commissioners and providers of social care: Brexit planning update Letters to commissioners and providers of adult social care giving an update on actions to consider to prepare for Brexit.
Quality and safety of human organs, tissues and cells if there's a no-deal Brexit Guidance for hospitals, stem cell laboratories, tissue banks and fertility clinics for ensuring the quality and safety of human organs, tissues and cells (including reproductive cells).
Quality and safety of human blood and blood products if there's a no-deal Brexit Page summary What blood establishments, blood banks and manufacturers of blood products need to do to ensure the safety and quality of blood and blood products.
Planning for a no-deal Brexit: information for the health and care sector. Guidance for industry and organisations involved in health and care about plans for a no-deal Brexit.
Health and social care staff: Brexit preparations update Letter from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to health and social care staff updating them on Brexit preparations.
EU Third Health Programme funding if there's a no-deal Brexit Information for organisations receiving funding, or that are bidding for funding, setting out what will happen if there’s a no-deal Brexit.
Overseas visitor charging: no-deal Brexit guidance for NHS service providers Page summary How changes to charging rules will affect how you recover costs from overseas visitors and migrants if there is a no-deal Brexit.
New service to deliver urgent medicines and medical products into UK The Department of Health and Social Care is setting up a service to deliver urgent medicines and medical products into the UK within 1 to 4 days as part of Brexit preparations.
Further guidance note on the regulation of medicines, medical devices and clinical trials in a no-deal Brexit Information for stakeholders so you can make informed plans and preparations in the event of leaving the EU with no deal.
No deal Brexit: issues, impacts and implications This report shows that once the UK is outside the Article 50 framework it will be far harder, and take far longer, to get a deal with the EU. It discusses how health care will be affected, including how the co-ordination of social security will immediately cease. Cross-border health care rests on this, which means planned treatment in other member states will be disrupted. In addition to this, the European Health Insurance Card for emergency treatment will no longer function.
The impact of a no deal Brexit on health and care: an open letter to MPs In an open letter to MPs, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust summarise the four major areas where the impact of a no deal Brexit could be felt most sharply in health and care.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around Brexit please contact Claire Bentley.
Children and young peoples' mental health services. The last three years have seen the children and young people’s mental health workforce grow by 23%, largely in community based services. A study for Health Education England found encouraging growth, particularly in NHS employed staff, where numbers have increased by almost a quarter in the two years from 2016 to 2018.
Childhood flu programme: information for healthcare practitioners Provides information on the flu vaccination programme for children, the vaccine and how to administer it.
The Good Childhood Report 2019. The Children's Society Date: Aug 28, 2019 Abstract: The eighth edition of The Good Childhood Report, an annual report produced by The Children's Society which studies the state of children's wellbeing in the UK, notes that childhood happiness has fallen to its lowest level in a decade and calls on the Prime Minister to move the issue to the top of his agenda and introduce a national measurement of children's wellbeing.
Children's oral health: position statement New analysis has found that more than 100,000 hospital admissions for children under the age of ten in England due to tooth decay over a three year period. This statement calls on the new government to stand by previous commitments in the Childhood Obesity Plan and Prevention Green Paper to improve children's oral health in England.
Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending in children (CAPRICORN) This resource outlines how health, education, social care, criminal justice, voluntary sector services and others can work together to stop children and young people offending. This approach to preventing offending and re-offending has been developed in collaboration with stakeholders in national and local government, the NHS, academia and the voluntary sector.
The Children and Families Act: five years on Healthwatch have been working with young people, and their families, to find out how health and education services are working together for people with additional needs.
Vulnerable witnesses and parties within civil proceedings: Current position and recommendations for change.The Civil Justice Council has launched a consultation on vulnerable people in civil court proceedings with the publication of its consultation paper. The consultation papers contains seven recommendations for witnesses or parties who may be vulnerable. While the Court Rules currently require a litigation friend in proceedings by or against children or protected parties who lack mental capacity to conduct proceedings, there are no specific provisions dealing with vulnerable witnesses or parties who have mental capacity.
An NHS children’s mental health unit has been closed down by the Care Quality Commission after being rated “inadequate” earlier this week. A child and adolescent mental health ward run by Tees, Esk and Wear Valley’s Foundation Trust has been closed after the CQC took enforcement action to protect the safety of patients.
Millions in local investment to support children and young people's mental health
NHS to fund revolutionary treatment for blindness in children. Babies born with inherited retinal dystrophies disorder have poor sight which swiftly deteriorates, with most losing their vision completely in childhood. Until now no treatment has been available. The life-changing treatment for children and adults – voretigene neparvovec – is the first in a new generation of gene therapies that can be directly administered to patients, in this case through an injection.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around children please contact Deborah Jeremiah.
Clinical Risk
Preventing falls in people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments. Public Health England has issued guidance for staff in public health, health services and social care to prevent falls in people with learning disabilities.
Bevan Brittan Updates
The cost of cauda equina claims
The First 72 Hours After a Health or Social Care Crisis
Maternity incentive scheme – important information for Trust leads
Bevan Brittan Events
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars - 30 September 2019 Bristol
Bevan Brittan Webinars
Bevan Brittan Clinical Risk/Medical Law Training - These are internal hour long lunch time training sessions that are attended by our team of solicitors. If your organisation is a Bevan Brittan client, you can sign up to watch the training sessions remotely via our webinar facility. If you would like to receive more information about the webinars just ask Claire Bentley. The next sessions coming up are:-
CTG interpretation in birth injury cases - 1 October 2019
A clinical and medico-legal review of stroke - 15 October 2019
If you wish to discuss any clinical risk or patient safety issues please contact Joanna Lloyd or Penelope Radcliffe.
CCG roles where ICPs are established. A description of the implications for CCGs, their duties, powers and activities, if they choose to commission services through an ICP model.
NHS oversight framework for 2019/20 NHS England and NHS Improvement has released documents that outline their joint approach to oversee organisational performance and identify where commissioners and providers may need support.
Progressive neurological conditions toolkit People with progressive neurological conditions are experiencing delays in diagnosis and treatment, fragmented and uncoordinated services, limited availability of neurospecialist rehab and reablement and a lack of psycho-social support. This NHS RightCare toolkit provides expert practical advice and guidance on how to address the key challenges when commissioning services and treating people with progressive neurological conditions.
Primary medical care commissioning internal audit ratings for delegated CCGs as of 31 June 2019 This document, published by NHS England is the first cohort of new ratings on delegated CCGs, highlighting where internal audits are finding CCGs are performing delegated primary medical care commissioning really well, but also helping to identify where improvements can be made.
Finance, Commissioning and Contracting Handbook. This is the Finance, Commissioning and Contracting Handbook for the NHS England Comprehensive Model for Personalised Care. It aims to provide finance, commissioning and contracting staff with the information required to implement personalised care locally.
CCG 360° stakeholder survey 2018/19 A central part of the CCG assessment process is the CCG 360° Stakeholder Survey, the findings of which are presented in this report. A key aim of the survey is to enable NHS England to assess whether CCGs are operating effectively in partnership with key organisations in the local health system to commission safe, high-quality and sustainable services.
If you wish to discuss the issue of commissioning please contact David Owens
Digital Health
Health Secretary announces £250 million investment in artificial intelligence A new National Artificial Intelligence Lab will use the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the health and lives of patients.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around Digital Health please contact Daniel Morris.
Pension tax rules – impact on NHS consultants and GPs A parliamentary briefing note focuses on the current debate about the impact of pension tax rules on some senior NHS staff.
How doctors in leadership roles establish and maintain a positive patient-centred culture This report finds that positively-engaged leaders from diverse backgrounds are key to transforming organisational cultures. However, they are often unprepared and unsupported for the challenges of leadership during the early stages of their management careers. The report makes the case for support for senior healthcare leaders to help them overcome challenges that can impact on patient care.
Professionalism and cultural transformation toolkit. NHS Employers has published a “professionalism and cultural transformation” toolkit to educate staff to improve professionalism within their workplace and help NHS organisations to make the NHS a better place to work.
Role of doctors in a positive patient-centred culture A report from the GMC finds that positively-engaged leaders from diverse backgrounds are key to transforming organisational cultures.
GP and dental clinical educator pay scales: 2019 to 2020 This guidance contains information for employers on the revised GP and dental clinical educators pay rates.
‘NHS Passports’ to help staff work flexibly and cut admin costs Expo Patient care Workforce Health service staff in England will be able to move seamlessly between sites in a bid to make it easier to take on new roles, plug gaps in staffing and improve patients’ care.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Employment Eye - Alert: Settled Status Scheme: how settled is it…?
Employment Eye - Alert: junior doctors win landmark appeal over rest breaks
Bevan Brittan Events
Workforce Forum - 8 October 2019 London
If you wish to discuss any employment issues generally please contact Jodie Sinclair, Alastair Currie or James Gutteridge.
How does UK healthcare spending compare with other countries? This briefing provides an analysis of UK health care spending relative to comparable countries, such as the G7 group of large developed economies or member nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It finds that the UK spends an average of £2,989 per person on health care, which is around the median for OECD countries.
Duty of care? The impact on midwives of NHS charging for maternity care This is the first study to investigate the impact of the policy of charging ‘overseas visitors’ for NHS care on midwives’ practice or professional responsibilities. This study aimed to explore midwives’ experience of looking after women who had been charged, especially in relation to the impact of NHS charging on their professional practice.
Overseas visitor charging: no-deal Brexit guidance for NHS service providers Page summary How changes to charging rules will affect how you recover costs from overseas visitors and migrants if there is a no-deal Brexit.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around finance please contact Claire Bentley.
Housing and property
Study identifies benefits of ‘housing with care’ So-called housing with care services can improve people’s quality of life and help reduce their use of health services.
Identifying the health care system benefits of housing with care This study, in partnership with Southampton City Council, found benefits ranging from improvements to residents’ quality of life, reductions in the use of health services and associated resources, and significant cost-benefits for the health system from the use of housing with care services. Although the research focuses on Southampton, the findings will be of interest to planners and commissioners of services across the UK.
Bevan Brittan Events
Junior Housing Networking - 25 September 2019 London
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around housing please contact Julia Jones.
International migration and the health care workforce This analysis draws on all currently available data to set out how many migrants work in health care in the UK and explore their age structure, location and changes over time. It also presents data on specific health workers in England, such as hospital nurses and general practitioners.
Healthcare for people leaving an immigration removal centre: guidance for NHS providers Healthcare entitlements for people being released into the community in England.
Overseas visitor charging: no-deal Brexit guidance for NHS service providers Page summary How changes to charging rules will affect how you recover costs from overseas visitors and migrants if there is a no-deal Brexit.
Signpost women to updated translations of antenatal and newborn screening information
Duty of care? The impact on midwives of NHS charging for maternity care This is the first study to investigate the impact of the policy of charging ‘overseas visitors’ for NHS care on midwives’ practice or professional responsibilities. This study aimed to explore midwives’ experience of looking after women who had been charged, especially in relation to the impact of NHS charging on their professional practice.
£1 million to help NHS reclaim debts from overseas visitors The NHS is to increase the size of their team of cost-recovery experts to aid in the process of recovering millions of pounds spent treating overseas visitors by the NHS. £1 million is to be granted towards the increase. The NHS has already recovered more than £1.3 billion in outstanding debt since 2015 from overseas visitors.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around immigration please contact Claire Bentley.
Information sharing/data
Improving access to information in maternity services. In autumn an information standards notice (ISN) will be published to announce the new Maternity Record Standard under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
Draft Issues Paper on the Use of Big Data Analytics in Insurance. A consultation on the draft Issues Paper on the Use of Big Data Analytics in Insurance focuses the use of personal and other data by insurers as a result of digitalisation. It looks at the use of algorithms and advanced analytics capabilities by insurers to make decisions based on patterns, trends and linkages and the availability to insurers of new alternative data sources, otherwise known as "big data analytics" (BDA). Comments by 16 October 2019.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Digital duties: Monitoring Officers must ensure good governance over data and social media
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around information sharing please contact Claire Bentley.
Mental Health
Children and young peoples' mental health services. The last three years have seen the children and young people’s mental health workforce grow by 23%, largely in community based services. A study for Health Education England found encouraging growth, particularly in NHS employed staff, where numbers have increased by almost a quarter in the two years from 2016 to 2018.
Service user experience in adult mental health services.This quality standard covers improving the experience of people using adult NHS mental health services. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
People with learning disabilities in England This report provides updates of national statistics about people with learning disabilities in England and the services and support available to them and their families.
Mental Health Act: referrals to First-tier Tribunal Sets out when the Secretary of State can refer patients to the First-tier Tribunal under section 67 of the Mental Health Act and how to request a referral.
Guidance on care for adults with eating disorders NHS England has published guidance for the development of plans to deliver community adult eating disorder services that are integrated with day and/or inpatient care to reduce admissions, length-of-stay and improve outcomes for users, families and carers.
Government response to 'Ignoring the alarms follow-up: too many avoidable deaths from eating disorders' In June 2019, the House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee published its report into avoidable deaths from eating disorders. It contained recommendations across six areas to improve eating disorder services and this report outlines the government's response to the recommendations.
Ask and take action: why public services must ask about domestic abuse This report finds that mental health services across England are failing women by not asking about experiences of domestic abuse. It calls on the government to amend the Domestic Abuse Bill to put a duty on all public authorities to ensure staff across the public sector are making trained enquiries into domestic abuse.
Preventing falls in people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments. Public Health England has issued guidance for staff in public health, health services and social care to prevent falls in people with learning disabilities.
Making decisions on the duty to carry out Safeguarding Adults enquiries: Suggested framework to support practice, reporting and recording. The Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services have produced a framework, "Making decisions on the duty to carry out Safeguarding Adults enquiries", designed to enable support in decision-making with regard to whether or not a reported safeguarding adults concern requires an enquiry pursuant to the Care Act 2014 s.42.
Bevan Brittan Updates
The First 72 Hours After a Health or Social Care Crisis
Bevan Brittan Events
Patient Safety: Proactive and Reactive Seminars - 30 September 2019 Bristol
How can we help?
Fixed fee training packages. We have devised a two-part fixed fee training package to ensure mental health professionals are up to speed with their duties and to enable key managers to proactively manage caseloads. We regularly deliver these sessions to provider and commissioner organisations, including their partner agencies. If you would like more information click here.
Early Intervention Scheme and Triage. Our EIS allows us to help commissioners, providers and care co-ordinators identify packages of care and treatment interventions, for people who lack capacity, that need an appropriate legal framework. If you would like more information click here.
Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet
Would you like to access the Bevan Brittan Mental Health Extranet? - It is a secure online resource containing a discussion forum, knowledge bank and information about training events. If you would like access please contact Claire Bentley.
If you wish to discuss any mental health issues please contact Hannah Taylor, Simon Lindsay or Stuart Marchant.
Primary Care
Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service data templates. These documents are templates for the purposes of facilitating discussions within a Primary Care Network in relation to data sharing and data processing to support delivery of the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service. The templates have been jointly agreed between NHS England and GPC England.
MMR catch-up for 10 to 11 year old children: information for GPs In April 2019, NHS England and the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) agreed to a catch-up campaign for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
International migration and the health care workforce This analysis draws on all currently available data to set out how many migrants work in health care in the UK and explore their age structure, location and changes over time. It also presents data on specific health workers in England, such as hospital nurses and general practitioners.
GP IT Specification Commissioning Support Pack This document sets out to extend the operating arrangements for the delivery of GP IT services across England until 2021.
Welcome! An induction guide for social prescribing link workers in primary care networks This welcome pack includes useful information to help link workers in primary care networks find out more about their role and what support is available.
Strengthening health systems through nursing: evidence from 14 European countries This report explores the variations in structure and organisation of the nursing workforce across the different countries of Europe. As health systems shift radically in response to rising demand, the role of nurses becomes even more important. The report is part of a two-volume study on the contributions that nurses make to strengthening health systems. Its aim is to raise the profile of nursing within health policy and draw the attention of decision-makers.
Primary Medical Care Commissioning Internal Audit Ratings for Delegated Clinical Commissioning Groups as of 30 June 2019. This document is the first cohort of new ratings on delegated CCGs, highlighting where internal audits are finding CCGs are performing delegated primary medical care commissioning really well, but also helping to identify where improvements can be made.
If you wish to discuss any issues involving primary care please contact Vincent Buscemi.
Adalimumab procurement framework extended NHS England has extended the procurement framework for adalimumab by four months to 31 March 2020.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Public Procurement: the “mechanics” of ineffectiveness
Bevan Brittan Events
Procurement Updates Roadshow - 4 - 7 November 2019 All offices
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around procurement sharing please contact Claire Bentley.
NHS oversight framework for 2019/20 NHS England and NHS Improvement has released documents that outline their joint approach to oversee organisational performance and identify where commissioners and providers may need support.
The integrated care provider 2019/20 NHS England has published the documents based on the NHS standard contract that between them provide the basis for the integrated care provider (ICP) contract.
Healthcare for people leaving an immigration removal centre: guidance for NHS providers Healthcare entitlements for people being released into the community in England.
Overseas visitor charging: no-deal Brexit guidance for NHS service providers Page summary How changes to charging rules will affect how you recover costs from overseas visitors and migrants if there is a no-deal Brexit.
Master indemnity agreement: approved suppliers. The Master Indemnity Agreement (MIA) register provides a list of all approved suppliers to NHS organisations.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Bevan Brittan Events
National Care Association Care Study Day: When The Inspector Calls - 17 September 2019 West Midlands
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around providers please contact Vincent Buscemi.
Public Health
Public Health Outcomes Framework 2019 to 2020: a consultation. Government response In January 2019 Public Health England published proposals for changes to the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). The consultation outlined indicators that were to be revised, added or removed, with a rationale for each. This report summarises the response to the consultation and outlines the changes to the PHOF from 2019/20.
Building healthier communities: the role of the NHS as an anchor institution Anchor institutions are large, public sector organisations that are unlikely to relocate and have a significant stake in a geographical area. The size, scale and reach of the NHS means it influences the health and wellbeing of communities simply by being there. This report identifies five ways in which NHS organisations act as anchor institutions and it sets out actions and opportunities for the NHS to harness its considerable influence to have an even greater impact on the health and wellbeing of communities.
Hospital food review announced by government. The Government has announced a review of hospital food and will work with the NHS to improve food quality and provide consistently safe and nutritious food. The review will consider: how food can help aid faster recovery; support from national bodies to source food services locally and reduce reliance on frozen or packaged foods; new systems to monitor food safety and quality more transparently; how the NHS can be a standard-bearer for healthier choices; sustainability and environmental impact of the supply chain; and ensuring quality and value for the taxpayer. Alongside this, new national standards for healthcare food for patients, staff and visitors will be developed by NHS England, NHS Improvement and Public Health England.
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around public health please contact Claire Bentley.
Workforce race equality standard 2018/19 This report contains data on the experiences of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) staff at the Care Quality Commission. It explores whether BAME staff have equal access to career opportunities and fair treatment in the workplace. It identifies areas for improvement such as ensuring BAME representation at senior levels and reducing the gap in bullying and harassment.
Bevan Brittan Updates
Bevan Brittan Events
National Care Association Care Study Day: When The Inspector Calls - 17 September 2019 West Midlands
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around regulation please contact Stuart Marchant.
Social Care
Identifying the health care system benefits of housing with care This study, in partnership with Southampton City Council, found benefits ranging from improvements to residents’ quality of life, reductions in the use of health services and associated resources, and significant cost-benefits for the health system from the use of housing with care services. Although the research focuses on Southampton, the findings will be of interest to planners and commissioners of services across the UK.
Adult social care: the Government’s ongoing policy review and anticipated Green Paper (England) Published Wednesday, August 14, 2019 This House of Commons Library briefing paper considers the Government’s ongoing review of social care policy, in particular how it is funded by individuals and the public sector in England. The Government said in March 2017 it would publish a consultative Green Paper on this topic, but in July 2019 the Financial Times reported that the new Prime Minister may decide that a White Paper setting out the Government’s new policies should be published instead.
Actions for adult social care providers to prepare for Brexit What adult social care providers and local authorities need to do to prepare for a no-deal Brexit.
Professional standards guidance The new specialist regulator for social workers, in collaboration with a range of stakeholders, has developed new rules and standards for the social work profession. This document provides guidance on these professional standards. The standards set out what a social worker in England must know, understand and be able to do after completing their social work education or training. Social workers must continue to meet the professional standards to maintain their registration. The standards apply to all registered social workers in all roles and in all settings.
MPs call to ‘professionalise’ social care workers A report by the all-party parliamentary group on social care is calling for the professionalisation of social care workers.
What should be done to fix the crisis in social care? This briefing lists five priorities for the government following an assessment of the evidence and analysis of the costs of reform. The priorities include stabilising and sustaining the current system and providing social protection against care costs.
National Care Association Care Study Day: When The Inspector Calls - 17 September 2019 West Midlands
If you wish to discuss any queries you may have around social care please contact Monica Macheng or Stuart Marchant.
The causal effect of hospital volume on health gains from hip replacement surgery This study investigates the causal effect of hospital volume on health gains from hip replacement surgery in the English NHS.
Revised guidance for the friends and family test. NHS England and NHS Improvement has published revised guidance to improve the friends and family test.
Unrelieved Pain in Palliative Care in England n England, an estimated 378,427 people receive palliative care each year in a range of specialised and generalised services. Overall, the quality of palliative care in England and the wider UK is regarded as excellent. Despite the excellent provision of palliative care in the UK, it is recognised that not all needs are met, especially within community palliative care.