If anybody doubted it before, there is no doubting now that the Tech Sector has been essential for the continuing operation of our economy with all almost all office workers working remotely and schooling being offered remotely and almost all shopping except for groceries having moved online. Tech also now holds a strategic place for our wellbeing, in linking us to our loved ones, friends and colleagues through video calls. Demand for IT infrastructure, broadband capacity and tech solutions to allow the country to continue to function has experienced an overnight spike in demand.
Such overnight demand does, however, lead to growing pains for businesses serving that demand. The vast majority of people in the sector are also working remotely and a reasonable proportion of those in the sector will also have the pressures of home schooling and / or may be ill with Covid-19. Tech firms may wish to recruit to meet the current demand, but it will be difficult. While there will be some people wishing to take on short term contracts, most employees will be reluctant to change jobs knowing that the current surge of demand for new systems and infrastructure capacity may reach a peak then fall back, meaning tech firms may then wish to reduce head counts.
At the same time much of the sector will not be experiencing the same overnight growth and will be struggling with the same Covid-19 pressures as everybody else, including furloughing staff, an inability to meet contractual obligations including performance and service levels, supply chain issues particularly with hardware and cash flow issues. Some firms may also be facing other challenges in relation to security of data with many of their teams now working remotely at home. Our Covid-19 Hub has a range of resources to assist you with immediate Covid-19 issues, a number of which are linked below.
Tech companies providing services to the public sector will recognise the significant issues being faced by their customers and the potential need to adapt quickly in order to enable them to respond to the crisis. The procurement rules provide for flexibility in such circumstances, and the Cabinet Office has also issued guidance to public bodies around providing contractual relief where their essential providers are struggling to meet contractual requirements due to the pandemic.
Whatever your situation, we are on hand to provide pragmatic support and advice on areas ranging from contractual obligations and workforce issues, through to raising capital, debt funding solutions and 5G readiness.
This page will be updated regularly so please visit back, and if you need any specific advice or guidance please contact one of Tech Team below.
Financial & business support resources
Updated: Covid-19 Business Loans Scheme & Financial Liquidity
Making financial liquidity available for SMEs and large businesses during the coronavirus pandemic
Covid-19: SMEs Business Support Measures
Covid-19 Financial Liquidity for SMEs: Bounce Back Loan Scheme
Commercial & governance resources
How to ease the process of signing documents during the Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19: Companies accounts filing extension
Update: Can I exit my contract as a result of Coronavirus?
UK Government issues Covid-19 IPA guidance for PFI & PF2 projects
Contracting with the NHS – Covid-19 update
Coronavirus – the challenges facing general counsel and in-house lawyers
Managing your M&A deal during the coronavirus
Procurement & State aid resources
Covid-19 Top tips for Public Procurement and PPN 01/20
Covid-19: Procurement Policy Note 02/20 – Supplier relief due to Covid-19
Update: Procurement Policy Note PPN 02/20 – Supplier relief due to Covid-19
Employment resources
Coronavirus: Practical guidance for employers
Furlough Leave - HMRC guidance
Coronavirus Job retention scheme – FAQs
Factsheet: lay-offs, short-time working and alternative working arrangements
Amendments to the Working Time Regulations - carrying over leave not taken due to coronavirus
Coronavirus – Pensions factsheet
Vicarious liability and data breach
Covid-19: Immigration law guidance
Data Protection
Information Commissioner’s Office releases statement on how it will regulate during Covid-19
What are your data protection obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Liability for data breaches: some good news
Vicarious liability and data breach
Property resources
Government targets landlords but misses the mark
Finding commercial rent solutions during the coronavirus slowdown
Coronavirus - all change for owners of commercial property!
Government advice on moving house during the coronavirus outbreak (Note: article relates to residential moves but much of the article applies by analogy to business moves, albeit that business moves are not expressly listed as a ‘permitted excuse’ for movement in Regulation 6(2) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions)(England) Regulations 2020/350).