Did you know you could tackle climate change through your legal drafting?
This idea is at the heart of The Chancery Lane ‘Change Precedents, Change the World’ Project which provides you with the wording you can incorporate into your contracts to have a positive impact now, and in the future on the environment and the fight against climate change.
What is the Chancery Lane Project?
It is a collaborative project amongst lawyers around the world to develop contract clauses that integrate climate change into the heart of transactions. It is a great way to deliver on the net zero and carbon cutting ambitions of your institution.
How do I get involved?
It’s easy. The clauses are practical, easy to use and ready to integrate into agreements in all disciplines. You can either use them as they are or tailor them to your needs.
Put sustainability front and centre in all the contracts you enter into.
Perhaps your driver is the reduction of emissions through your supply chain and in the next supply agreement you could include the clause to engage the supplier to ensure produce is not wasted throughout the food chain.
Or for example a property agreement within which you could use the clause requiring landlords to act reasonably when tenants propose alterations that have a positive climate impact.
The Chancery Lane Project breaks down 50 model clauses by sector and practice area, to make them easy to find and easy to use. This provides you with a menu of practical steps to help your partner organisations transition to net zero.
They also provide a Net Zero Tool Kit to help you understand the concepts and how you might integrate them into your drafting.
How can I find out more?
You can visit The Chancery Lane Project website.
Or pick up the phone to Harriet Murray Jones who can provide you with more information.