Workforce Forum - A workforce to deliver 21st Century care
This event is for Directors of workforce, human resources and finance.
Recruitment and retention challenges continue to be one of, if not the highest, priority for both public and independent sector health and social care providers. This focus, alongside the need to create a more multi-disciplinary, multi-professional and digitally savvy workforce, to meet the increasing needs of a growing and ageing population, means that it is now imperative that healthcare providers are creating a health and social care workforce for 21st Century care. Traditional approaches will not be sufficient to meet the increasing demand for health and care services by our growing and ageing population.
The Interim NHS People Plan lays the foundations for providers and commissioners to build on work already done whilst providing a broader scope as to how the healthcare sector can attract not only the numbers of staff needed for both sustainability and growth but can work towards transforming and developing the most appropriate workforce to deliver 21st century care including attracting a diverse future supply, upskilling existing staff, creating and embedding new roles, embracing and driving digital innovation and new ways of working and ensuring strong leadership.
In this Workforce Forum, we will be exploring how to frame this challenge and what some of the solutions might be for the most forward-looking healthcare providers. We are delighted to announce three speakers with particular insights into different aspects of this challenge:
Patrick Mitchell, Director of Innovation and Transformation, Health Education England
Director for national workforce transformation including the impact of digital technology on the workforce having led the Topol Review. He is SRO for the workforce redesign chapter within the People Plan. Patrick has worked in a number of Board level operational roles across London before joining HEE in 2013 where he moved from joint senior roles in Department of Health and Medical Education England. He has also worked for PwC in California.Caroline Anderson, Director of HR & OD, Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS FT
Before joining GOSH, as HR Director for HM Land Registry, Caroline and her teams won high-profile awards, including PPMA Public Sector HR Director of the Year, Sustainable Workforce Transformation awards, and Personnel Today’s award for Excellence in Public Sector HR relating to the workforce transformation programme.Lynn Atkin, Head of Apprenticeship and Training QA at Skills for Health
Skills for Health are working with healthcare employers across the UK to assist them to get the most out of Apprenticeship schemes and deliver high quality training, improve recruitment and retention to bridge the skills gap in their workforce.Please note that by registering you are requesting a place, and we will confirm your attendance shortly afterwards.