Fitness to practice issues involving students on professional vocational healthcare courses – particularly medicine, dentistry and nursing, alongside other healthcare professional courses – raises unique challenges for Universities. Higher education institutions and individual schools and departments, can find themselves performing multiple roles acting as both investigators and “prosecutors”, and acting in a quasi-regulatory role.
Virginia Cooper, Head of our Higher Education Group, and Daniel Purcell, partner in our Litigation Regulatory and Public Law team, hosted a practical session looking at the key issues universities and higher education institutions should consider when managing conduct concerns.
In this session, our expert speakers covered:
- The role of the bodies involved - including the university and the medical school / faculty of health and the various regulators
- How to deal with conduct concerns?
- What is fitness to practice?
- What are the GMC’s indicative questions?
- Dealing with low-level concerns and the formal procedure
- Dealing with specific concerns – such as sexual misconduct; drug misuse; dishonesty or plagiarism
- Engaging with the GMC – reporting concerns and the applications for registration.
This On Demand session will be relevant to any higher education institution running healthcare regulated professional courses (such as medical, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy and others) and with a responsibility for legal, regulatory, risk and compliance and complaints.
This was the second in our higher education autumn series of Wednesday webinars.
If you missed any of our specialists' other sessions, you can view the recordings below:
20 September: Data protection compliance for higher education in an evolving technology landscape
4 October: One year to go to the new Procurement Bill – how should higher education institutions prepare?
Look out for our spring 2024 HE webinar series.
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