Bevan Brittan's cheque presentations to its office charities (clockwise from top): St Peter's Hospice (Bristol), TOFS (Birmingham), Mind (London) and Crisis (London)
Bevan Brittan is donating £20,000 across its chosen local charities this Christmas, with each of its four offices giving £5,000 to the causes they support throughout the year.
The £5,000 donation represents the equivalent cost of postage saved by sending eCards instead of physical Christmas cards.
This year, Bevan Brittan is donating £20,000 to charities and the people they look after at an incredibly demanding time of year.
Bevan Brittan plays an active role in its local communities in each of its four offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and London by holding regular fundraising events for its chosen local charities.
The Christmas donations are in addition to the funds raised by staff during the year through activities including sponsored walks and runs, sleepouts and quizzes
The charities that Bevan Brittan is donating to this year are:
Birmingham: TOFS (Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Support), a charity supporting those born unable to swallow with one-to-one support and advice for families.
Bristol: St Peter’s Hospice, a hospice caring for adults with life-limiting illnesses, improving the quality of patients’ living and dying while extending care and support to their families and loved ones.
Leeds: Claro, an adult mental health charity based in Harrogate that operates as a commercial workshop making goods for businesses, enabling those with long-term mental health conditions to function in a voluntary real work environment.
London: Crisis, the national charity supporting the homeless, including running support centres around the country, and Mind, which provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.