I specialise in public procurement law and subsidy control law. My clients are public bodies including local authorities, national park authorities, NHS bodies and central government departments.
I advise contracting authorities on the application of public procurement law to their various procurement activities. I have experience in supporting contracting authorities in running their procurements from beginning to end, including the drafting of tender documents and quality questions, as well as advising in relation to compliance and disqualification issues and the provision of debriefing information to unsuccessful bidders. I also deliver tailored procurement training alongside other members of the procurement team.
I have experience in advising clients on subsidies and subsidy schemes which engage the new UK subsidy control regime under the Subsidy Control Act 2022, including assessing project objectives and outputs against the subsidy control principles and producing legal opinions for grant recipients.
Part One: The Subsidy Control Act 2022 and Updated Statutory Guidance
Recent amendments to the Statutory Guidance for the UK Subsidy Control Regime
Subsidies and Schemes of Particular Interest
New Statutory Procurement Duties on the Horizon for Welsh Contracting...
Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill
The Road To Reform Section 5
A series of short articles investigating the anticipated public procurement reforms