I am a medical law specialist advising on all aspects of medical law, with a varied portfolio, managing cases and supervising members of the firm's Healthcare team. I have developed essential relationships with a number of organisations across the health and social care spectrum.
I provide advice on a range of subject matters including all aspects of the mental capacity act. I have extensive experience providing advice in response to mental health queries, inquests and ethical decision making within the legal framework. I am also a data protection, freedom of information and record keeping lead. Likewise I have led on cases dealing with governance issues, judicial review and continuing NHS healthcare.
I have acted in many cases successfully heard at the Royal Courts of Justice and through the Court of Protection, representing the NHS, local authorities and Care Homes.
I have published several articles in leading Journals, sit on ethics committees in the south west, and provide training to professionals within NHS organisations. -
New data strategy for England
EU Settlement Scheme Deadline: What are your responsibilities to your...
EU Settlement Scheme deadline: 30 June 2021
Case Summary: Re JB (Costs)
My best interests or your best interests: How does the Court decide?
Court of Protection case summary
Patients' fitness to drive and reporting concerns to the DVLA/ DVA
The General Medical Council has published revised guidance on confidentiality for all doctors practising in the UK
Case Summary: In the matter of Mrs Ann Clarke [2016] EWCOP 46
Court of Protection case summary
Court of Protection Case Management Pilot
The case management pilot is a scheme which has been in place since 1 September 2016 in the Court of Protection.
Can PAM kill two birds with one stone?
Empowering patients with the knowledge and skills to manage their own healthcare can improve outcomes and reduce budgetary...
Blowing the Whistle in the NHS
In April 2016, the final version of an overarching whistleblowing policy which should be adopted by all NHS organisations was...
Children and Vulnerable Individuals - Information Sharing
Guidance from HM Government document: Information Sharing – Advice for Practitioners providing Safeguarding Services to Children,...
Producing Report(s) for Children Proceedings: A Practical Guide
This article outlines some of the areas of focus to assist you in preparing a report for children proceedings. It is by no means...
The Statutory Duty of Candour
As of 27 November 2014, all health service Providers must comply with a new statutory duty of candour.
Consent & the Human Tissue Act: Deceased Individuals
The Human Tissue Act 2004 (the HTA) states that consent must be obtained for the removal, storage and use of material from the...
The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Advance Decisions
This article summarises some of the key considerations in respect of Advance Decisions in helping medical professionals to...
Being an Inquest Witness: Part 2 - Giving Evidence at the Hearing
This article examines the realities of giving evidence at an Inquest hearing and provides practical guidance and tips for...
Being an Inquest Witness: Part 1 - Statement Writing
This article covers key tips on howto prepare a statement in order to best assist the Coroner in the context of an Inquest.
To resuscitate or not to resuscitate – That is the question?
To resuscitate or not to resuscitate – That is the question?