I specialise in the provision of advice on major projects and procurement, acting mostly for the public sector including local authorities, NHS bodies and housing providers.
I have acted as lead legal adviser on a number of large-scale infrastructure projects, drafting and negotiating the contracts and running and advising on the procurement procedure. I work across a number of sectors including NHS, local government, outsourcing, education, regeneration and housing.
As well as being a transactional lawyer, I also specialises in procurement. I advise public sector clients from inception stage onwards, helping to explore different procurement options, assist during approval stages and planning timetables. Where a procurement procedure is required, I work with clients to ensure that they are ready for market and have procurement documents that reflect their goals and objectives leading to the selection of the right partner.
I also advises on exemptions and models that can be established between public/private and public/public sector which do not require a procurement procedure.
Lucy Doran provides standout depth of legal knowledge combined with the ability to explain things in a simple way.