Across the health, social care, education and housing markets, providers and commissioners are seeking to consistently deliver high quality care in a safe and caring environment.
This is against a background of delivering services in an increasingly complex and challenging landscape, treading a path between financial constraints, regulatory and reputational risks and supporting a stretched workforce.
Bevan Brittan is a market leader with a team of expert lawyers advising across a range of health, social care, education and housing providers to support them in:
- Delivering high quality care and navigating complex legal frameworks
- Responding to regulatory challenges
- Growing their business
We offer a multi-disciplinary approach, recognising that care, governance, regulatory and workforce matters are all inter-connected.
Delivering high quality care, support, education and housing
We use our in-depth knowledge to support the provision of high quality care across a wide range of operational matters including:
- Deprivation of liberty and Liberty Protection Safeguards
- Court of Protection
- Mental capacity, consent and best interests
- Human rights
- Education Health Care Plans and special educational needs and disability
- Children and young people
- Complaints
- Safeguarding issues
We also provide strategic advice in relation to the management of complex individual packages of care and support, wider issues around patient and service-user safety and governance arrangements
Responding to regulatory challenges
Heightened scrutiny (whether from regulators such as CQC, Ofsted and HSE, or other facets of the health and social care system) brings the risk of financial penalties, restrictions on the ability to operate, reputational damage and loss of confidence from commissioners, insurers, the public and staff.
Our regulatory advice supports providers to navigate regulatory scrutiny and challenges covering:
- Advice on the regulatory implications of structuring
- Registration with CQC/Ofsted
- Compliance requirements such as the duty of candour
- Preparation for inspection (e.g. mock CQC Well-led inspections)
- Challenging inspection reports
- Representation in enforcement responding to poor inspections and enforcement notices/action
Our team also advises providers and staff in response to serious incidents, including:
- Incident investigations
- Safeguarding investigations and learning reviews
- Health and Safety
- Inquests
- Police investigations
Growing business
Our team works closely with commercial teams to provide specialist regulatory due diligence advice to providers and investors on a range of transactions across the health, care, education and housing sector,
For vendors, our reports provide clear information to support the sales process. For purchasers we provide clarity as to what is being acquired, the potential risks, their likely practical significance and the steps which can be taken to mitigate those risks.The latest Health, Care & Regulatory Law news and articles can be found at Bevan Brittan's Insight Information Hub
Related Videos
JD v West London Mental Health NHS Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 436
We successfully acted for the Trust responsible for Broadmoor Hospital in the Court of Appeal . The issue was whether and how far human rights issues should influence the First-tier Tribunals considering sections 72 and 73 of the Mental Health Act? We had successfully defended the Trust's position at the Upper Tribunal and the appeal to the Court of Appeal was dismissed. This case is important in clarifying the limits of human rights issues as they affect patients and professionals.
A Mental Health Trust, an Acute Trust and a Council v DD and BC [2015] EWCOP 4
We acted for a group of health and social care organisations in a difficult case which dealt with whether and how far the State should intervene to force contraception and sterilisation on a woman. The key to a successful outcome was guiding the organisations and staff involved through the steps needed to demonstrate their professionalism and commitment. At the conclusion of the case, the Judge commented:
"It is evident from all that I have read and heard that these three public bodies have worked closely and collaboratively in seeking to resolve the exquisitely difficult issues in this case. I was impressed by the considerable effort, and conspicuous care, which they have brought in formulating and presenting this application….they have anxiously considered all of the possible options, furnishing the Court with careful ‘balance sheet’ analysis of the risks and benefits of the competing options on all issues."
HCR Law Lunchtime Education Webinars
Our Health, Care and Regulatory Law team hosts a diverse lunchtime education webinar programme. We are delighted to be joined by health, social care, education and housing experts – as well as leading barristers, for discussions from both a subject-matter and legal perspective. The topics are varied and broad reaching – touching upon human rights, equality, mental health, capacity, safeguarding, best interests, domestic abuse, special educational needs and disability, child protection, possession proceedings, harassment in health and social care, vulnerable residents and tenants, delayed discharges and patient safety. There’s always an opportunity for questions and reflections from the audience as well.
If you have a topic – or a speaker – that you would like us to address, please get in touch with Claire Bentley.
Click here to watch previous webinars on-demand.
Click here to see the forthcoming webinars and register to attend.
Legal Insights

Bevan Brittan advises East Sussex Joint Waste Partnership on contract extension
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Medication and Mental Capacity
Bevan Brittan Education Lunchtime Training Webinars 2025
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