I am responsible for Bevan Brittan's highly regarded NHS employment practice. I have focused on advising healthcare organisations since 2005 and am a trusted adviser for many of the most influential HR leaders in the healthcare sector. I am one of the core partners in the team which was awarded "Legal Adviser of the Year" for four successive Health Investor awards from 2017 to 2020.
My aim is to support healthcare providers to develop effective, safe and compassionate workforce practices, reducing the risks of litigation and improving their workforce experience. I also specialise in supporting NHS executive teams on resolving high level disputes and organisationally critical litigation. Where litigation cannot reasonably be avoided I defend organisations in Tribunals, appellate courts and the High Court, specialising in defending complex multi-strand claims for discrimination, whistleblowing and breach of contract.
Alastair Currie has an ability to say difficult things in a kind and clear way. He sees to the heart of issues quickly and provides reassurance around what is material and what is not. He was happy to explain things, and it always felt like we were developing approaches together.
I and my team support healthcare clients through a broad range of non-contentious employment advice, advising on all scales of organisational change, to implementing policy and contractual models to support organisations’ strategic objectives.
Alastair Currie and Jodie Sinclair were immensely responsive and understood well the practical realities of managing a large, complex organisation.
I regularly deliver training workshops, webinars and host discussion groups on all aspects of Employment Law including the implications of TUPE in reorganisations, transfers and service provision changes; equalities and discrimination; whistleblowing and raising concerns; redundancy; and mock Employment Tribunals.
He is proactive and so knowledgeable and supportive.
- I have rewritten, simplified and improved the national Maintaining High Professional Standards framework document (relating to doctors' and dentists' conduct and capability proceedings) for implementation by clients as a non-contractual policy document. I am currently advising several clients on the implementation of this document.
- I have advised a major international media network on Tribunal claims including a sensitive whistle-blowing and constructive unfair dismissal claim and a high value health and safety automatic unfair dismissal claim.
- I am one of the three core employment lawyers who advised the South West Consortium on the options for departure from Agenda for Change and national medical and dental terms and conditions (including advice on governance issues and the Public Sector Equality Duty amongst other thorny issues) to achieve cost savings.
Alastair Currie is excellent. Genuinely insightful and practical, with superb judgment.
Temporary FAQs: Managing the VCOD U-turn as at 11 February
These FAQs are based on information available as at 11 February.
Mandatory Vaccinations for your Workforce
Answering your queries and discussing the implications of the mandatory vaccinations for your workforce
Mandatory vaccination for health and social care workers: Updated FAQs...
These FAQs are based on information available as at 8 December.
COVID-19 transmission in hospitals: management of the risk
A prospective safety investigation conducted by HSIB
Video: Honorary Contracts
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – FAQ’s
NHS Staff Survey Results 2018: Key Findings
It’s time to ditch MHPS
Alarm bells not jingle bells
Alastair Currie reports on vicarious liability and work Christmas parties
Employment news round-up, January 2016
Alastair Currie runs through this month's employment law news in brief.
At a glance guide: preparing for strike action
At a glance guide: preparing for strike action
Employment Eye: Unpacking Holiday Entitlements
Now that the holiday season is in full swing, we thought it would be timely to provide an update on where we are with holiday...
STOP PRESS! Collective redundancies – 'Woolworths' decision published
The much anticipated decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the meaning of 'establishment' for the...
Whistleblowing & unmanageable complaints
Alastair Currie reports on a decision which provides some welcome clarity on dealing with employees whose (potentially valid)...
Pregnancy and maternity discrimination - update and summary guide
Although many cases of maternity discrimination may be fairly clear cut, the picture can be more complex when issues of...
Two jobs, one sickness absence, one dismissal
Can an employee who has two different jobs continue working for one employer whilst being signed off sick from another? Mike Smith...
Alastair Currie and the team at Bevan Brittan provided expert support through very challenging and high profile litigation and advisory processes, to guide us to the right outcome. I commend their understanding of the healthcare system and sensitive approach to client support.