I specialise in providing healthcare and regulatory advice to clients within the health and social care sector, as well as acting for a range of regulatory bodies and local authorities.
I represent and advise clients on health, care and regulatory law and have a particular interest in vulnerable adults, children and young people and safeguarding. I advise on issues concerning capacity, best interests and deprivation of liberty cases. I regularly represent health commissioners and healthcare providers in proceedings in the Court of Protection, including serious medical treatment cases, as well as advising clients on complex packages of care.
I am the Chair of the Court of Protection Practitioners Association (CoPPA) West Midlands. I also assist where there are challenges to the provision of care by way of judicial review and where advice is required on regulatory matters, including health and safety.
The clear links between housing and mental health enable me to advise housing providers on a range of issues including safeguarding, information governance and dealing with serious incidents as well as providing support, training and representation at inquests.
My interest in safeguarding work includes a special interest in fire safety and fire prevention work in respect of vulnerable adults. I am instructed by Fire Authorities in respect of inquests and safeguarding matters, as well as providing advice to care providers and the housing sector regarding their duties and obligations.
Deputyships and Lasting Powers of Attorney for Property and Affairs
Bevan Brittan Lunchtime Education Training Webinars 2025
Health inequalities faced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
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Case Law Update – Mental Health Act 1983
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Mental Health in Education - Supporting the Child
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Pregnancy, Labour and Post-Partum
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Pet Owners, Protected Parties and Patients
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Understanding Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness
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The Key Reforms of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 - Focus on...
Social Housing Regulation Act - Digest 5
What are anticipatory declarations and when might they apply for those...
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Reluctant Discharges from and Ending Placements in Health and Social...
Bevan Brittan Education Lunchtime Training Webinars 2023
Sharing P’s information and the participation of others in Court of...
Bevan Brittan Education Lunchtime Training Webinars 2023
Civil Matters involving Vulnerable Adults: Capacity Considerations
Bevan Brittan Education Lunchtime Training Webinars 2023
ON DEMAND: Tricky issues involving police in hospitals
Bevan Brittan Education Lunch Training Webinars 2022
Introduction to Inquests: Housing Providers
The first in a new series of inquest webinars the team will be providing an introduction for housing providers
DNACPR Notices: CQC Publishes Final Report
Case Summary: London Borough of Croydon v KR & Anor [2019] EWHC 2498...
What are the limits on the use of the inherent jurisdiction to prevent a vulnerable individual, who has capacity from living with...
Dealing with abuse claims in a care setting
DoLS Reforms and care home providers
Case Summary: T (A Child: Care Order: Beyond Parental Control:...
Court of Protection case summary
The role of the 'IMCA' within the health service – what do you need to...
Decision-making regarding patient care
The Care Act 2014 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Practical implications of the legislative reforms
The withdrawal of life sustaining treatment
Consideration of the case of W-v-M and S and A NHS Primary Care Trust, EWHC 2443, 28/09/11, the first in which a court was asked...