I am a partner in the Health & Care Regulatory team, with a special interest in mental health and mental capacity law, as well as clinical negligence claims and inquests. We provide advice and support to health and social care organisations in relation to inquests, court of protection matters, challenges to treatment decisions, safeguarding concerns, complaints, health and safety and human rights issues.
'The support in the run-up to the inquest was impressively thorough. My colleagues and I felt well supported and my clear impression is that everyone involved in supporting us went out of their way to be helpful and considerate during this long and at times difficult process. Mr Lindsay was consistently and impressively outstanding in performance throughout the preparation for the inquest and during the inquest itself. He demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the case, impressive sensitivity to the needs of the team, he was available and flexible, including cancelling prior engagements in order to provide continuity of representation. I am very impressed with the quality of his work he is obviously a deeply experienced, caring and highly able professional – we were fortunate to have him on our team.'
He's a measured, sensible and reasonable lawyer with expertise managing client needs and the commercial challenges they face. He also has a good grip of the legal and factual issues in a case and is a pleasure to deal with.
I regularly provide in-house talks on mental health law, HR issues, mental capacity & equality law for healthcare clients. I also run seminars on the treatment of children, especially regarding their mental and physical health.
An overview of the key changes set out in the Health and Care Act 2022
Health and Care Act 2022: A guide for Health Commissioners and NHS Trusts / Foundation Trusts
Mental Capacity Act; what do the consultation and draft Code of...
Join our Healthcare Regulatory team for this complimentary webinar
EU Settlement Scheme Deadline: What are your responsibilities to your...
EU Settlement Scheme deadline: 30 June 2021
ON DEMAND - Mental Health Law Update
ON DEMAND - Inquests during a pandemic
Proposed changes to the Mental Health Act; a few observations
Key themes of the Wessely Report and the ideas and themes underlying its proposals
Coronavirus Act 2020 - Changes for Mental Health
What should your organisation be doing in preparation for the changes?
The Paterson Inquiry – key recommendations
Dealing with abuse claims in a care setting
M -v- A Hospital [2017] EWCOP 19 and NHS Trust -v- Y [2017] EWHC 2866...
Court of Protection case summary
Commissioning and the Court of Protection - the Supreme Court's...
The Supreme Court's judgment means that the risk of having funding decisions routinely challenged in the Court of Protection has...
Case Summary: South Staffordshire NHS FT and others v St George's...
How the Hospital Managers review regime can and should operate
Time to clean up your act?
The use of Chlorhexidine as a topical antiseptic pre-surgical skin preparation agent
Violent and Aggressive Behaviour in People with Mental Health Problems...
Claire Bentley and Simon Lindsay review the NICE guidance in relation to violent and aggressive behaviour in people with mental...
Fire! Fire! I’m a patient, get me out of here!
Fire! Fire! I’m a patient, get me out of here!
Deprivation of liberty – What does the landmark judgment in Cheshire...
The Supreme Courthanded down itslandmark judgment in the cases of P v Cheshire West and Chester Council; P & Q (aka MIG and...
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review...
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review proceedings
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review...
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review proceedings
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review...
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review proceedings
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review...
The scope of the Court of Protection and potential judicial review proceedings
Interferences with Article 8: what justification?
Interferences with patient's rights under Article 8 are an increasingly prevalent area of challenge in the mental health arena;...
Mid Staffordshire NHS Inquiry Report - Key points: Clinical Governance
The lessons learned and recommendations set out in the Francis report are clearly intended to have an impact outside Stafford...
Rabone – The Supreme Court Decision - How it will impact upon Inquests...
The Supreme Court has delivered its long awaited judgment in the case of Rabone v Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. In summary,...
Must “private life” factors be considered in the allocation of scarce...
The High Court has recently ruled in favour of a Primary Care Trust in relation to a decision concerning the allocation of scarce...
Identifying wrongful detention and what to do about it
A common problem for mental health managers who have uncovered a procedural irregularity in a patient’s detention is in working...
Assisted Suicide: A Step Towards a More Compassionate Law?
A review of R (on the application of Purdy) v DPP (2009) UKHL 45 DPP Guidelines
Simon Lindsay is a superb advocate, tackles difficult issues diplomatically and quickly helps to achieve early resolution. He is responsive and really easy to talk to about some of the more complex clinical issues that can arise.