I am a commercial property lawyer with considerable experience in transactions including property developments, acquisitions and disposals and landlord and tenant issues. I advise a range of clients including a number of leading health trusts, FTSE 100 companies, local authorities and charities.
I have extensive experience in commercial property work, including assisting Buckinghamshire County Council with a new railway station project and advising Wycombe District Council on the Handy Cross hub redevelopment that will result in a new sports and leisure centre, food store, hotel, offices and a coach park and ride by the end of 2015.
I also lead the Bevan Brittan property team acting for Barts and the London NHS Trust, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and a number of other health trusts.
Ian has a wide breadth of experience on a number of property issues that relate beyond his field of expertise.
Ian is an amazing user-friendly and gifted solicitor.
Ian is a brilliant solicitor who has the legal expertise to deal with a wide range of matters.