We are market leading advisers in waste collection, recycling and environmental services matters. We advise on appropriate forms of waste management contracts, deliver procurements, waste infrastructure, and advise on regulation, health & safety and environmental law.
Our legal and commercial experience is unparalleled. We have advised on over 50 environmental services projects across the UK.
Though our extensive expertise, we understand the sector. We advise clients on the management of all waste streams, including residual waste, food and green waste and recyclable materials.
The experience of Bevan Brittan's personnel in the field of waste management, collection and disposal has been invaluable, enabling the Council to avoid potential pitfalls. The advice provided has been of a high quality and has often dealt with issues that were not immediately apparent to the Council's officers
We find solutions to client needs and resolve disagreements.
Our clients include Government departments and agencies, local authorities (both Waste Disposal and Waste Collection Authorities) and leading waste management companies.
Clients we have worked with include DEFRA, Viridor, Bristol City Council, East Sussex Waste Partnership and many local authorities.
Our specialist team can help you with:
- Waste Collection and Street Cleansing contracts
- Recycling and Recyclables contracts
- Grounds Maintenance contracts
- Household Waste Recycling Centre projects
- Refuse Collection Vehicle procurements
- Commercial Waste procurements
- Contract variations and renegotiations
- Creation of "Teckal" or delivery vehicles
- Waste Transportation issues
- Recycling and reuse credits advice
- Bulky Waste contracts
- WDA powers of direction and separation advice
- Waste ownership issues
- MRF, Transfer Station, HWRC and Depots
- Asset (vehicles, IT, receptacles, bins) ownership issues
- Inter Authority Agreements
- Environmental Protection Act advice
- Environmental regulation
- Planning and permitting
- Environmental law
- Integrated Waste PFI/PPP procurements
- Integrated Waste PFI/PPP contract variations and renegotiations
- Cost and efficiency savings
- Dispute mitigation and management
- Contract termination issues
- Asset handback
East Sussex Waste Partnership
We advised the East Sussex Waste Partnership (a partnership of East Sussex District Councils) on a joint waste collection and street cleansing project. We assisted on all aspects of the procurement phase, contract development, Inter Authority Agreement, vehicle funding, TUPE/pension issues, asset reversion and operational/performance aspects.
HWRC Development project
We advised a leading UK waste management company on their proposals for the development, operation and management of complex HWRC project across 11 sites in Suffolk. We advised on the contract development, TUPE/pension and commercial risk issues.
Ubico Limited
We advised a partnership of Gloucestershire District Councils on the creation of one of the UK's first dedicated "Teckal" waste collection and waste management companies. This included advice on all the corporate issues, contracts, TUPE/pension, state aid and local government issues.
Charnwood District Council
We advised Charnwood District Council on all aspects of a contract to manage dry mixed recyclables, the procurement phase, contract development and TUPE/pension matters.
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Bevan Brittan advises East Sussex Joint Waste Partnership on contract extension
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Bevan Brittan Education Lunchtime Training Webinars 2025
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