This update contains brief details of Government and EU publications, legislation, cases and other developments in England and Wales relevant to those interested in waste management, which have been published in the past month.
Items are set out by subject, with a link to where the full document can be found on the internet. All links are correct at the date of publication.
If you have been forwarded this update by a colleague and would like to receive it direct please email Claire Booth.
The following topics are covered in this update:
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Food Waste
Food Waste (Reduction) Bill: this Private Member's Bill has been introduced into the Commons by Kerry McCarthy MP and received its 1st Reading. The Bill would require the Secretary of State to: make provision for a scheme to establish incentives to implement and encourage observance of the food waste reduction hierarchy; encourage individuals, businesses and public bodies to reduce the amount of food they waste; require large supermarkets, manufacturers and distributors to reduce their food waste by no less than 30 per cent by 2025 and to enter into formal agreements with food redistribution organisations; and to require large supermarkets and food manufacturers to disclose levels of food waste in their supply chain. (9 September 2015)
J Sainsbury plc: Sainsbury’s seeks test town to help launch £10 million project to tackle food waste: announces that Sainsbury’s is launching a £10m project to tackle household food waste with a bold five year plan that could transform communities across the UK. The Waste Less, Save More initiative is inviting UK towns to bid for £1m investment and become the test bed for innovation to discover which initiatives are most effective in reducing household food waste. The winning town will be announced on 1 December 2015. (21 September 2015)
DEFRA: Consultation on the implementation of amendments to the environmental permitting guidance on waste incineration: seeks views on proposed changes to the current Environmental Permitting Guidance – the Waste Incineration Directive so as to state clearly that all waste incineration plants and waste co-incineration plants burning waste oils in England and Wales fall under the scope of Chapter IV of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). This change affects small, basic appliances such as Small Waste Oil Burner (SWOBs). The amendment will reduce the emission of air pollutants from the use of waste oil as a fuel as it will require all operators of SWOBs burning waste oils to meet the requirements of Chapter IV of the Industrial Emission Directive or, alternatively, to choose to use other non-waste fuels such as gas or fuel oils. The consultation closes on 26 October 2015. (14 September 2015)
Packaging Waste
Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/1640): these regulations, which come into force on 1 October 2015, implement Arts.9 and 11 of the Packaging Waste Directive 94/62, as amended. They set the essential requirements that packaging must meet before it can be placed on the market, and provide enforcement authorities with powers for the enforcement of those obligations. They consolidate,revoke and replace the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/1941). (4 September 2015)
SEPA: Guidance on procuring waste services for public bodies and their contractors – Good practice guidance to prevent crime: guidance for public bodies on designing effective procurement processes that deliver the waste services they require while protecting as far as possible from the risk of awarding contracts to those engaged in crime. It highlights ‘red flags’ that may indicate a risk of crime, suggesting wording that can be used in procurement documents, providing best practice checklists and providing advice on what to do if something doesn’t seem right. By following the tips and advice organisations can minimise the risk of a contract being awarded to a criminal – or to an organisation that may, deliberately or otherwise, allow waste to be passed on to criminals. (17 September 2015)
Resources & Waste UK: Managing the risk from secondary raw material price movements: this report by Eunomia for R&WUK examines the issue of price fluctuation risk for secondary raw materials (SRMs) and its impact on the UK recycling supply chain. It has been prepared against the backdrop of a general downward trend in SRM prices from the highs of 2011/12, a squeeze on contract margins for waste management companies, significant budget cuts for local authorities, and challenging operating conditions for some parts of the UK reprocessing sector. It looks at how the UK can continue to drive higher levels of recycling, potentially up to 70% of municipal waste by 2030, if forthcoming EU Circular Economy proposals maintain the level of ambition currently being discussed, originally set out at a time when uncertainty over SRM price trends and volatility is undermining the entire value chain. (17 September 2015)
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
DBIS: £775,000 boost for re-use and recycling of old electricals: invites local authorities to bid for a share of a new £775,000 round of the WEEE Distributor Takeback Scheme that helps increase the collection, re-use and recycling of unwanted electrical items. The closing date for submission of project proposals is 30 October 2015. (7 September 2015)
Waste Minimisation
Welsh Government: The Public Sector Waste and Resource Efficiency Plan: seeks views on the draft Public Sector Plan that covers wastes generated by the activities of publicly funded bodies. The plan identifies the relevant sector targets and Welsh Government policies, legislative and other obligations relevant to the public sector. The plan provides a summary of waste and resource efficiency actions for the sector. The consultation closes on 4 December 2015. (14 September 2015)