The government has today introduced the keenly awaited Procurement Bill 2022 into Parliament. The Bill sets out the government’s vision for a faster, fairer and more effective public procurement regime following on from the Green Paper on procurement reform and the consultation response issued in December 2021. The Bill will now pass through the Parliamentary process before its expected implementation in 2023.
In recent months we have been looking at the proposed procurement reforms in the Green Paper consultation response and what they mean for the public sector and suppliers in our Road to Reform series of articles. Over the coming weeks we will share further practical commentary on the Bill itself, any significant changes which have been made since the response to consultation was published and any amendments which are made to the Bill as it travels through the parliamentary stages.
The Cabinet Office intends to roll out a learning and development programme across the public sector on the new regime. More information will be available on the Transforming Public Procurement webpage.
It is unlikely that any reforms “on the ground” would need to be made before mid-2023, which will give contracting authorities and suppliers alike opportunity to digest the changes and get ready for them.
If you would like to discuss this topic in more detail, please contact Emily Heard, Partner.