I am a specialist employment lawyer with over 25 years' experience in all aspects of contentious and non-contentious employment law. I have particularly expertise in TUPE transfers, restructuring and redundancies, complex employment litigation, discrimination/equality issues and senior staff exits. I act for clients across a wide range of sectors including major corporate employers, housing associations, education bodies and charities and am the Firm’s lead on providing employment advice to local authorities.
My general experience includes all areas of employment work and I have dealt with a number of high profile cases in Tribunals, the Employment Appeal Tribunal, the High Court and the Court of Appeal. I have specific expertise in advising on equal pay and discrimination, restructuring and redundancy programmes, negotiated exits, changing terms and conditions, and providing TUPE advice in connection with service delivery models including shared services, partnering arrangements, joint ventures and outsourcing. I also provide support to in-house legal and HR teams, acting as a sounding board on both strategic and operational HR issues.
Sarah Lamont is an excellent employment lawyer who really understands the challenges of local government and the issues that local government lawyers face. Her advice is always spot on.
I have had articles published in the Local Government Lawyer and Local Government Chronicle and have also contributed articles to Lexology and EM LawShare
Shining a light on wrongdoing at work
Councils must be prepared for Statutory Officer disciplinary investigations
I have spoken at the LLG Weekend School on employment matters.
I have worked with Sarah for many years and her expertise, professionalism and insight is invaluable.
Employment Eye – March 2025
Employment Eye – What to expect in 2025
Employment Eye – A look back at 2024
Employment Eye – October 2024
All change? What the Employment Rights Bill and other reforms might mean for employers
Employment Law Update: Case law and horizon scanning for HR and...
Taking a look at some of the hot employment and workforce topics of 2022 and looking forward at what 2023 has in store
Bevan Brittan team helps major merger of housing association duo to...
Catalyst and Peabody complete merger
Employment Law Update: June
This is the perfect opportunity to hear about updates in employment law and to get an update on the latest changes
Councils must be prepared for Statutory Officer disciplinary...
The MJ - article published 20 June 2019
Shining a light on wrongdoing at work
Employment Status Update
Supermarket sweep - important developments in equal pay
Are collective equal pay claims a step closer for private sector employers?
Brexit – the implications for employment law
On 23 June, the UK voted to leave the European Union. A very different future is emerging for politics, finance and governance in...
Employment Eye - News Round-Up May 2016
Sarah Lamont on the latest employment law news in brief - plus details of our next events.
Public sector exit payments – clamping down & clawing back
Sarah Lamont shines a light on the recent raft of complex proposals designed to clamp down on public sector exit payments
Employment Eye - Travel to work can be 'work'
Sarah Lamont follows up on our recent Alert on Tyco Integrated Services, and resolves some of the potential confusion over the...
TUPE news
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations are a reliable source of somewhat surprising judicial...
TUPE service provision change involving a group of clients
The concept of a ‘service provision change’ has been examined a number of times in the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT).
Holiday and overtime payments
In a landmark decision, the Employment Appeal Tribunal decided earlier this month that holiday pay should include...
TUPE update
Whilst some of us may have been taking some time out and relaxing over the summer holidays, the Employment Appeal Tribunal has...
Mum's NOT the word: flexible working extended
Anyone who believes that flexible working is largely limited to working mothers will have their thinking challenged this week, as...
TUPE Regulations officially 'static'
As we reported in our recent Alert, the European Court of Justice has published its long awaited decision on whether the TUPE...
We have worked with Sarah Lamont on a number of issues this year, and she has very quickly built trust and demonstrated her capability and credibility. It feels like a partnership, which is very reassuring. She is pragmatic and provides confidence when dealing with complex and contentious issues. Sarah quickly understands the issue in hand, our needs/focus, and works with us to find a solution that best works. Sarah is honest with her advice and the risk of potential strategies, ensuring we are well-informed and able to take decisions.