This is just to let you know that we have revised our Byte Size procurement updates, numbers 1 to 10. They now refer to the Draft Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as well as the Directive. We have also taken the opportunity to make some additional changes to Byte Size procurement update 8 on Award criteria and lifecycle costing.
All of the revised Bytes are available by clicking the links below:
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 1: Pre-procurement issues
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 2: Statutory time limits under the Public Sector Directive 2014/24/EU part 1 - Open and Restricted Procedures
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 3: Statutory time limits under the Public Sector Directive 2014/24/EU part 2 - Competitive Dialogue Procedure and Competitive Procedure with Negotiation.
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 4: Competitive procedures where negotiation is permitted
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 5: Innovation partnership – a new EU concept and a new procedure
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 6: Selection stage - Grounds for exclusion, selection criteria and the ESPD
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 7: Framework agreements, Dynamic Purchasing Systems and e-catalogues
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 8: Award criteria and life-cycle costing
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 9: Permitted Changes to existing contracts and framework agreements
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 10: Public-public cooperation or “in-house” exceptions
Other Byte size procurement updates:
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 11: The Draft Public Contract Regulations 2015 - implementing optional provisions
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 12: The new “light touch regime” – Articles 74 to 76/Regulations 74 to 76
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 13: Revised Bytes
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 14: replaced with Byte 18
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 15: Public Contracts Regulations 2015 published
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 16: Advertising on Contracts Finder - EU contracts
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 17: Advertising on Contracts Finder - contracts below the EU thresholds
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 18: Regulation of qualitative selection for EU contracts and abolition of pre-qualification stage for low value contracts. Part 1 - Regulation of qualitative selection for EU contracts
Bevan Brittan byte size procurement update 18: Regulation of qualitative selection for EU contracts and abolition of pre-qualification stage for low value contracts. Part 2 - Abolition of the pre-qualification stage for low value contracts