We recently issued a report setting out our findings and observations from a series of webinars held with
various stakeholders in the PFI market discussing the positives and the challenges in the market, and what the future may hold.
The discussions revealed certain themes with common challenges faced by different sectors in the industry. As we strive to adopt a collaborative and problem-solving approach, our PFI experts have reflected on those discussions. We set out our observations on common approaches and methods that can be adopted to address some of the challenges in the market. Whilst these will not solve all issues – financial challenges and people management are critical to successful delivery – a standardised approach to some of these issues should result in better working relationships, and ultimately a better outcome for service users.
The recommendations made are not endorsed by our panellists, and we anticipate there will be a range of views on our proposals, but we believe that discussion around these key issues is of value to find a way forward that represents the interests of all stakeholders.